This case suggests that low-level laser therapy may have positively affected this patient’s diabetic neuropathy symptoms.
Non-surgical spinal decompression demonstrated good to excellent clinical outcomes as a conservative, non-surgical treatment for intervertebral disc lesions.
Neurodevelopmental changes were observed after treatment with tool-assisted manual therapy when compared to light touch and hold.
Our paper reports on the non-surgical resorption of a massive LDH following a comprehensive plan of chiropractic care.
This paper demonstrates how research findings can inform the management of an individual patient with tension-type headache
This article reviews and comments on the safety and efficacy claims while appraising whether the clinical benefits outweigh the risks.
A detailed exercise protocol for managing non-insertional Achilles tendinopathy is reviewed, and this exercise routine can be modified to treat any tendon in the body.
Chiropractic care may lead to improvement with secondary symptoms in patients with hypermobility type Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome.
Chiropractic care may be a beneficial adjunct for symptom management in the setting of non-operable peripheral nerve tumors.
There is a potential pathway for chiropractic physicians to become trained and credentialed as primary care providers within credentialed Federally Qualified Health Centers.
This commentary explores the current understanding of motion palpation, assessing its clinical value and relevance in modern chiropractic and osteopathic care.