Motion palpation is an assessment technique used to guide accurate and appropriate manual therapy-based treatment, which is particularly popular with chiropractors and osteopaths. The ability to consistently and accurately “feel” spinal misalignments is questioned widely by the healthcare community, however.1 One must consider the human hand’s capability and tactile sensibility to feel and perceive such minor and nuanced micro-movements.1 Furthermore, what is felt must be appraised against a common law of spinal motion, which research shows is heterogeneous at best.2 Popular yet outdated theories, such as “Fryyette’s law,” have been used as a baseline to determine what “normal” spinal movement and coupled motion are; however, research does not fully support this.3,4 Many of these theories provide a basis upon which spinal misalignment diagnoses are found; however, such osteopathic or chiropractic static listings are now widely not accepted by modern practitioners nor supported by the literature.5–10 These “bone out of place” models were initially established 140 years ago. As our understanding of spinal mechanics has progressed, so has our understanding of how these “listings” should be communicated and treated in an evidence-based manner.7 One’s inability to manipulate specifically is likely closely connected to one’s inability to feel micro-spinal misalignments. Spinal manipulation does not put bones back in place, nor is it very accurate or specific, with more and more research emerging showing the non-specific nature of spinal manipulation.5–7 In light of these revelations, which have been directed by science, our objective is to bring a modern context to motion palpation, reviewing the key hallmarks that make it beneficial but highlighting the areas that are potentially outdated. Ultimately, an updated solution will be proposed as we embark upon a modern era of spinal assessment and treatment.
What is Motion Palpation?
Motion palpation is a manual therapy assessment technique used by practitioners (primarily osteopaths and chiropractors) to assess the movement and alignment of spinal segments.1 By applying gentle pressure and guiding specific movements, the therapist evaluates the motion, mobility, and positional relationships of the vertebrae. Although often criticized for its accuracy, this technique helps identify areas of the spine that may be restricted or potentially “misaligned,” which can contribute to pain or dysfunction.1
The proposed Utility of Motion Palpation for Assessment
Motion Palpation is used as a hands-on assessment technique to determine spinal misalignment or aberrant motion. Traditionally, motion palpation relies heavily on a set of laws regarding how the spine should move. Thus, if the practitioner feels conflicting movement in comparison to those laws, dysfunction or misalignment may be present. Coupled motion and spinal movement theories such as Fryette’s Laws and Panjabi’s theory are often used to interpret findings in this way, providing a set of rules or a baseline that represents “normal.”3,4 For example, regarding Fryette’s law, a practitioner might use the first law to assess whether a vertebra rotates in the opposite direction of side bending when the spine is in a neutral position. Similarly, the second law would guide the assessment in flexed or extended postures, where rotation and side bending are expected to occur in the same direction. The third law helps the practitioner understand how introducing movement in one plane might affect the other two planes.3
The Interpretation Of Sensory Input
The sensory Processing Capability of the Hand
Tactile information that is gathered via touch is transmitted via sensory organs and interpreted by the brain.1 Understanding this process and the capabilities and weaknesses of this tactile sensory function is crucial in providing the context of what is achievable to “feel” when it comes to spinal misalignments. Across our palms and fingers are 4 types of mechanoreceptors; Meissner’s corpuscles, Pacinian corpuscles, Merkel’s disks, and Ruffini’s corpuscles.11 Each mechanoreceptor specializes in providing specific information to the brain, such as touch, vibration, and pressure. These are unique in the sense that they are low-threshold receptors, simply meaning, they are highly sensitive and innervated by large myelinated axons, which facilitate action potentials easily.11 Not only does the type of sensory organ matter, but the density and location. Overall sensory organ density increases in a proximal to distal fashion from the palm moving up into the fingertips. Low threshold mechanoreceptors have been reported at a density of 58 u/cm2 in the palm, compared to 241 u/cm2 at the fingertips.12 Additionally, the index and middle fingers have the highest density.1 Not only is there a proximo-distal density gradient present, but research shows that 2-point discrimination thresholds are higher at the fingertips as opposed to the palm.11 A commonly held belief in the development of palpation skills is that time and experience lead to improved perception and acuity. Seasoned professors, mentors, and teachers often state that as practitioners age, their ability to sense or feel increases. While it is true that spending more time palpating various spines helps establish a broader understanding of what is considered normal and that repeated practice can improve skill through neural adaptations, the notion that sensory abilities naturally improve with age is questionable. In reality, research suggests that aging is linked to several sensory impairments. These include a decline in 2-point discrimination, reduced sensitivity to stimuli, myelin atrophy, thinning of sensory receptors, and a decrease in both the number and density of sensory nerve endings. These age-related changes in the sensory system can, in fact, lead to a diminished ability to perceive fine sensory details over time, suggesting that experience alone does not necessarily enhance palpatory skill. Therefore, while age and experience may contribute to greater familiarity with normal anatomical patterns and improve overall technique, they may not automatically result in heightened sensory acuity.1
The Sensory Processing Capability of the Brain
The brain is capable of interpreting sensory information at a rate of 13–17 ms and reacting to this impulse at a rate of 100–250 ms.13 Tactile perception and sensory information from the mechanoreceptors travel to the spinal cord and then to the brain via ascending afferent neural impulses via spinal tracts such as the PCML and spinothalamic. This information is ultimately relayed via the thalamus to the somatosensory area of the brain, in the parietal lobe.14
Anatomical Considerations: (The Accuracy of Feeling Through Soft Tissue, Muscle, and Sliding Surfaces)
The potential anatomical differences between patients are vast. The size, shape, and amount of body fat or muscle all impact the ability to accurately palpate through soft tissues onto the spinal bony structures. Research suggests that with less force, potential is better. A lighter testing force may enhance one’s ability to sense the initial motion created at the segment and joint. This can seem counterintuitive, with many practitioners applying too much force in efforts to create a greater amount of motion—although this may seem like a superior method, research suggests it is not.1 This is due to your mechanoreceptors being able to detect what is called “first noticeable displacement.” This can vary, however, depending upon the segment you are palpating, as a deeper segment would differ from a more superficial segment regarding how “first noticeable displacement” is perceived. Regardless, more force and more motion are still likely harder to detect than less force and less motion.1,15 In fact, research indicates that therapists show a bias toward underestimating the force they apply and overestimating the motion that occurred.15 Additionally, we must consider the frictionless fascial interface between the skin and underlying fascia upon the spinal structures.16 One cannot accurately establish and maintain a force vector into a spinal segment during a manipulation, nor is it likely we can “hook” onto segments and specifically move them as we wish. What we perceive we are moving may not be.16 Total muscle and fat mass is also a factor, as it acts as a barrier between the vertebra and the practitioner’s finger pads. Past studies suggest that motion palpation is more accurate when performed on individuals with a BMI below 25.17
The Interpretation of Spinal Mechanics Theory
Fryette’s Law, Panjabi Theory, and More
In 1918, Dr. Harrison Fryette, an osteopathic physician, described a set of laws of spine biomechanics. Dr. Fryette developed the first two laws in 1918, and the third was added by Dr. C.R. Nelson in 1948. These laws have since been widely taught in many manual therapy schools for decades, particularly in osteopathy and chiropractic education.3
Fryette’s Laws3:
First Law: In a neutral spine, side bending to 1 side will be accompanied by horizontal rotation to the opposite side.
Second Law: When the spine is flexed or extended (non-neutral), side bending and rotation occur in the same direction.
Third Law: Introducing motion in 1 plane reduces motion in the other 2 planes.
Fryette’s Laws have long been regarded as foundational principles in osteopathic manipulative medicine (OMM). These laws describe the movement patterns of the spine, particularly the relationships between side bending and rotation in various postures. Osteopaths have traditionally used Fryette’s Laws as a diagnostic tool to identify spinal dysfunctions and guide spinal manipulative techniques to restore alignment and movement. However, these laws are not universally adopted across all manual therapy disciplines. While some therapists outside osteopathy use them, they are less known or emphasized. In fact, therapists from several professions often prefer other theories to explain spinal mechanics. Moreover, with advancements in spinal biomechanics research, many now question whether these laws still hold relevance in modern clinical practice.
Fryette’s Laws have guided manual therapists for decades. However, as we learn more about advanced biomechanics, the relevance of these laws is increasingly being scrutinized. Recent studies using advanced technologies such as dynamic MRI and 3D modeling have revealed that spinal motion is far more complex than Fryette’s Laws suggest.
Conflicting Theories
Evidence from current literature shows that spinal motion doesn’t always follow these laws. Spinal coupling behavior varies depending on posture, load, and specific spinal regions.18–22 Studies have shown inconsistent spinal motion coupling across different postures. Contralateral rotation is often coupled with side-bending when the spine is erect, neutral, or extended, while ipsilateral rotation tends to couple with side-bending during flexion and end-range extension. These variations are also seen in different spinal regions. For example, Legaspi et al.2 conducted a critical review and reported that many authors and research uncovered various results. Lewit (1997) found lateral flexion was coupled with the opposite side rotation in nonrestricted segments, but the same side in restricted segments; Krismer et al. (2000) reported inconsistent findings; Steffen et al. (1997) reported contralateral rotation coupled with lateral flexion in unrestricted L3/4 segments; Soni et al. (1982), however, found ipsilateral rotation coupled with lateral flexion in L1/2-L4/5; and Ochia et al. (2006) found L1-L5 rotation coupled to the opposite side on lateral flexion, but to the same side with L5/S1.2
These patterns highlight how the spine itself influences movement and is dependent on the level, the person’s morphology, and whether the spine is erect, flexed, extended, or neutral. Some researchers also argue that Fryette’s laws oversimplify the dynamic and three-dimensional (3D) nature of spinal movement. In fact, 3D analyses of the spinal motion show contradictions, especially in flexion and cervical spine movements.20–22 Hence, sticking strictly to these laws can lead to outdated clinical practices that may not align with the latest evidence-based research. Studies using dynamic MRI and 3D modeling have shown that many factors influence spinal motion, like muscle activation, ligament tension, and the condition of intervertebral discs.20–22 However, treatments based on these laws are likely to overlook the role of the fascial system, intervertebral discs, and other complex structures that help with spinal movement and stability. In chiropractic education, Panjabi’s coupled motion theory is often used to explain how rotation is coupled with side-bending. This theory suggests that spinal coupling can vary depending on factors such as spinal level, load, posture, and individual anatomy.4 To date, many studies have supported Panjabi’s model, especially for its clinical applications. In contrast, physical therapists often focus more on functional movement, regional interdependence (i.e., dysfunction in one area can affect another), and evidence-based approaches. These perspectives offer more integrated approaches to spinal assessment, which may or may not align with Fryette’s laws. Similarly, McGill’s model of spinal stability focuses on the role of core strength and motor control in maintaining spinal integrity. McGill argues that the spine isn’t just a passive structure but an active participant in the movement, heavily influenced by the surrounding musculature.23
Deriving Meaningful Clinical Information Based Upon Theory
The accuracy of motion palpation ultimately depends on the practitioner’s skill and experience as well as how they interpret their results. Your diagnosis will be incorrect if the theory you are basing your clinical reasoning on is flawed. Essentially, you have a much lower chance of gathering relevant data if you limit your attention to, or use exclusively, one palpation technique or theory.
The Research
Motion Palpation Research
The accuracy of motion palpation has been a topic of considerable debate over the years. It’s crucial to evaluate not only the reliability of perceiving structural details but also the effectiveness of integrating these perceptions into a functional clinical assessment. The key question is whether motion palpation can provide meaningful clinical insights and guide appropriate treatment and intervention strategies.
In 2018, Povoa et al. examined 101 subjects using flexion-extension motion palpation testing to identify the C7 spinous process. In 54.5% of the patients, the C7 spinous process was correctly identified.17 However, a recent systematic review of 11 articles concluded that the palpation accuracy of bony structures and joint mobility is poor, with extremely varied reliability. This review took comprehensive measures to assess the risk of bias among the chosen articles.24 An older review, however, found pain, motion, and landmark location tests to be of acceptable reliability. However, the authors noted that under similar circumstances, results were not always repeatable by other examiners. Pain provocation proved to be the most accurate palpation test; as a result, the authors concluded that palpation techniques require improvement.25 When Arab et al.26 evaluated the intra-inter-reliability of the provocation test in conjunction with sacroiliac motion palpation in 25 subjects, they discovered that clustering these tests together showed significantly better moderate to substantial intra-inter-reliability. When 3 pairs of physiotherapists with postgraduate qualifications specifically in manipulative therapy were asked to palpate and locate the symptomatic level-causing issues of 20 people with low back pain, the agreement amongst them was not greater than due to chance alone.27 Additionally, a 2008 study recruited 39 patients to be independently palpated and examined by 2 chiropractors. The authors concluded that palpation techniques that elicit pain responses are more trustworthy than those in which the practitioner claims to have detected segmental motion restriction.28 A 2010 study with 52 asymptomatic chiropractic subjects investigated the agreement and accuracy of two palpators assessing the thoracic spine (T3-T10), of whom were blinded to each other’s results. Overall, the examiner’s calls were poor, with an intraclass correlation score of 0.31; anything under 0.40 is deemed poor reliability. Examiner 1 was only confident in their findings 36% of the time, and examiner 2 even less, 27% of the time. When both examiners, however, were strongly confident in their findings, the outcomes were better, scoring above 0.75, which is deemed “good reliability” with 0.82.29 Motion palpation is considered less significant when it is not correlated with other clinical findings, according to a qualitative interview study conducted with Swedish osteopaths. Nevertheless, it is still deemed relevant when it validates other clinical findings.30 When 5 chiropractic examiners using 5 separate palpation techniques (energy palpation, visual inspection, leg length assessment, point tenderness, and motion palpation) assessed 50 students, there was little agreement between them.31 Furthermore, when twenty 4th year chiropractic students were asked to examine the cervical spine of 3 participants, of whom each had a single-level congenital block (fused vertebrae), the overall agreement and specificity of the procedure were quite high (Kappa: 0.65). Indicating that large deficiencies of motion, or gross blocks, are quite achievable to feel, even for students.32 (See table 1)
The Accuracy of Manual Therapy and Motion Palpation
A Track Record of Overstated Accuracy (Bone Out of Place Theory)
In 1895, D.D. Palmer, the founder of chiropractic, made a monumental discovery as he performed the first adjustment (spinal manipulation) on Harvey Lillard.33 Palmer claimed he located a “misaligned” vertebra and then “racked” it back into position with a specific chiropractic adjustment. This treatment was documented to have restored Lillard’s hearing, who had been deaf for 17 years.33 The “bone out of place” model formed the cornerstone of chiropractic practice, positing that ailments, or “dis-ease,” arise from spinal misalignments. Historically, the ability to accurately sense and adjust spinal misalignments was considered essential to the practice of chiropractic care. This concept led to the development of static listings and targeted chiropractic adjustments designed to address these purported misalignments. Despite evolving scientific understanding, these traditional methods and the associated practice of motion palpation—used to detect and evaluate these misalignments—remain part of some chiropractic curricula worldwide. Although many curriculums globally have been updated, some continue to teach older models.
Current literature casts doubt on the precision of feeling individual vertebrae, latching onto specific bony structures, and achieving exact realignment through manual therapy interventions such as chiropractic adjustments and spinal manipulation.5–10 Studies utilizing fluoroscopy have shown that during a thrust, vertebral bones often move but then quickly return to their original positions. This indicates that while a chiropractic adjustment may induce facet joint cavitation, it does not achieve a permanent realignment of bones or restore precise spinal alignment.34,35
Moreover, the frictionless nature of the interface between skin, fascia, and bone significantly impacts the accuracy of manual adjustments. The absence of friction means that practitioners are unlikely to “hook onto” or control bony prominences, such as the transverse or spinous processes, as intended. Research suggests that the contact made during an adjustment is often more likely to slide over the surface rather than achieving precise contact and control.36
Additionally, Ross et al. reported that spinal cavitation could occur up to 14 cm from the targeted vertebra during manipulation, underscoring the discrepancy between where the practitioner aims and where the cavitation actually occurs.37 Further complicating this, Dunning et al. found that manipulations intended for the C1-C2 joint resulted in 92% of cavitational sounds being reported bilaterally, with cavitations frequently occurring on the opposite side of the intended target. On average, each patient experienced about six cavitations, highlighting the variability and lack of specificity in achieving targeted adjustments.38,39
Specificity is Unlikely38,39
The transition away from outdated theories has been gradual, revealing that the precision and effectiveness once attributed to spinal adjustments and manipulations were likely overstated. Today, the validity and accuracy of motion palpation are increasingly questioned. As a result, it is essential to apply critical thinking and clinical judgment to evaluate the relevance and application of motion palpation in contemporary practice. Assessing its usefulness requires a careful examination of the conditions under which it is applied, the rationale behind its use, and the extent to which it contributes to effective treatment strategies.
Outdated Listings and Static Misalignments: The Impracticality of “Bones Out of Place”
A prevalent static listing in chiropractic practice is the ASRP, which describes a vertebra displaced Anteriorly (A), Superiorly (S), and Posteriorly on the right side (RP), incorporating an element of rotation. This listing suggests that a specific thrust in the opposite direction is necessary to restore alignment. However, the concept of precisely identifying and correcting such 3-dimensional misalignments through manual palpation is highly questionable. It is implausible to accurately determine the exact location of a vertebra that is purportedly “out of place,” or to effectively reposition it. The notion that bones can fall out of alignment in such a specific manner is unsupported by current evidence. Static listings like ASRP are based on outdated theories and are not considered reliable or relevant in modern clinical practice. The inability to sense or correct non-existent misalignments underscores the need to move beyond these outdated models and adopt more evidence-based approaches. We cannot locate, palpate, or assess listings that simply don’t exist.
A Modern Approach To Motion Palpation
Understanding Limitations and Enhancements
Traditional Motion Palpation techniques have been foundational in manual therapy, especially within chiropractic and osteopathic practices. However, the ability to accurately detect minor spinal misalignments or micro-restrictions is inherently limited. Studies have shown that practitioners may only correctly identify the spinal structure they are palpating about 50% of the time. Moreover, the theories that guide the interpretation of these findings may also be similarly imprecise. As a result, relying solely on Motion Palpation can lead to significant inaccuracies in assessment and diagnosis.
Integrating Motion Palpation into a Comprehensive Assessment
To overcome these limitations, Motion Palpation should be part of a comprehensive assessment strategy that incorporates multiple evaluation methods and perspectives. This integrated approach enhances diagnostic accuracy and helps ensure that treatment is tailored to the individual patient’s needs.
1. Detailed Patient History
Start with a thorough and detailed patient history. This includes understanding the patient’s symptoms, the onset and duration of their issues, and any relevant past medical history. Document lifestyle factors, occupational stresses, and activities that may contribute to their current condition. This background information provides context for your clinical evaluation and helps prioritize which areas to examine more closely.
2. Static Palpation
Perform static palpation to assess point tenderness and pain provocation. This involves using your hands to apply gentle pressure to specific areas of the spine and surrounding tissues to identify any points of tenderness or discomfort. Research supports the reliability of pain provocation tests, which can be a useful indicator of underlying pathology or dysfunction. For example, identifying areas of localized pain may suggest inflammation or irritation in specific spinal segments.
3. Active Range of Motion (ROM)
Have the patient perform active ROM exercises. Ask them to move through various planes of motion, including flexion, extension, lateral flexion, and rotation. Pay attention to any pain, discomfort, or limitations in movement. This active assessment helps identify patterns of dysfunction and correlates with the static palpation findings. For instance, if a particular spinal segment is tender on palpation, it may also restrict movement in that region during active ROM.
4. Passive ROM with Motion Palpation
Conduct a passive ROM assessment while performing Motion palpation. In this step, you move the patient through six planes of motion (flexion, extension, lateral flexion, and rotation) while using your hands to palpate the spinal segments. Apply broad contact across the palm and finger pads to assess multiple vertebrae simultaneously. Look for gross hypomobility or obvious restrictions rather than attempting to feel minute movements. This approach provides a broader sense of spinal motion and helps detect significant restrictions or abnormalities.
5. Additional Assessments
Incorporate assessments of the fascial system, intervertebral discs, and surrounding musculature. These additional evaluations provide a more comprehensive view of spinal function and contribute to a better understanding of the patient’s overall condition. For instance, assessing soft tissue systems (muscle, fascia) can reveal restrictions or tension that might impact spinal movement. Evaluate how the spine responds to different loads and postures, such as during simulated activities or specific positions that mimic the patient’s daily activities. This helps determine whether observed issues are related to static misalignments or dynamic functional changes.
6. Dynamic Assessments and Functional Testing
Observe how the spine behaves under various dynamic conditions and functional tests. For example, place the patient in positions that may provoke their symptoms, such as prolonged sitting or heavy lifting, and then assess their spinal function in these positions. This approach provides insight into how the spine adapts to different stresses and can help identify movement patterns or postural changes that contribute to the patient’s symptoms.
Summary of Step-by-Step Approach
History: Gather detailed patient history to understand their symptoms, lifestyle, and previous medical conditions.
Static Palpation: Perform static palpation to assess point tenderness and pain provocation.
Active ROM: Evaluate active ROM to identify any pain or limitations in movement.
Passive ROM with Motion Palpation: Assess passive ROM and perform Motion Palpation to detect gross hypomobility or restrictions.
Additional Assessments: Examine the fascial system, intervertebral discs, and surrounding musculature, and observe the spine under various loads and postures.
Dynamic Assessments: Test spinal function in different dynamic conditions and functional scenarios.
By integrating Motion Palpation into a comprehensive assessment framework that includes these steps, practitioners can improve diagnostic accuracy, enhance treatment planning, and better address the individual needs of their patients. This modern approach acknowledges the limitations of traditional methods while leveraging a broader array of diagnostic tools to achieve more effective and evidence-based care.
Critical Perspectives and Future Directions
While motion palpation remains a fundamental tool in spinal assessment, ongoing debates and research continue to shape its application. Critics argue that the subjective nature of palpation may limit its reliability and accuracy, suggesting that it should be complemented by objective measures and advanced diagnostic tools. Recent studies have also raised questions about the ability to precisely locate and adjust spinal segments using manual techniques. These critiques underscore the importance of critical thinking and clinical judgment in applying motion palpation. Moving forward, research should focus on refining palpation techniques, exploring the integration of new technologies, and addressing the limitations identified in current studies. This approach will help ensure that motion palpation remains a valuable component of spinal care, supported by both empirical evidence and clinical expertise.
While this clinical commentary provides a comprehensive examination of modern approaches to motion palpation, there are several limitations to consider. First, the article primarily focuses on the theoretical and practical aspects of motion palpation, drawing on current research and clinical perspectives. However, the commentary may not fully address the nuances of individual patient variations and the specific contexts in which motion palpation might still hold practical value. Variations in patient anatomy, presentation, and clinical scenarios could influence the applicability of the discussed techniques and theories.
Another limitation is the reliance on existing literature and studies, which, while extensive, may have inherent biases or gaps. For instance, research on motion palpation often involves small sample sizes or specific patient populations, which may not generalize to broader clinical settings. Furthermore, some studies might have methodological limitations that impact the overall validity of their findings. As the field continues to evolve, newer research could offer different insights that might alter the current understanding and application of motion palpation.
Additionally, the article addresses the historical context and theoretical frameworks of motion palpation, including Fryette’s laws and Panjabi’s stabilizing system, but may not fully explore emerging technologies and diagnostic advancements that could offer more precise assessments. The integration of real-time imaging and biomechanical analysis, while briefly mentioned, could be more thoroughly examined to provide a complete picture of how these tools complement or challenge traditional motion palpation practices.
Lastly, while the commentary aims to provide a balanced view of motion palpation’s efficacy, it is important to recognize that clinical practices are often influenced by a combination of evidence-based research and practitioner experience. The subjective nature of manual techniques and the variability in clinical judgment mean that the conclusions drawn may not fully encapsulate the diverse experiences of all practitioners or the evolving nature of chiropractic and osteopathic care.
While Motion Palpation remains a prevalent technique among osteopaths and chiropractors for spinal assessment, its validity and application warrant critical reevaluation in the light of contemporary research. Historically, Motion Palpation has been underpinned by theoretical frameworks such as Fryette’s laws and other static spinal models that have increasingly been challenged by modern science. The historical “bone out of place” theories and their associated diagnostic models are increasingly seen as outdated, with emerging evidence suggesting that spinal manipulation may lack the specificity once attributed to it. The evidence now points to a need for a shift towards a more nuanced understanding of spinal mechanics and assessment techniques.
As we advance into a new era of spinal health care, it is crucial to integrate the practical benefits of Motion Palpation with a robust, evidence-based approach that aligns with current scientific knowledge. This means acknowledging the limitations of traditional models while exploring more sophisticated methods for evaluating and treating spinal conditions. By doing so, practitioners can better align their techniques with contemporary research, ensuring that patient care remains both effective and scientifically grounded. Thus, while Motion Palpation may continue to serve as a useful tool, it should be employed with a critical awareness of its limitations and in conjunction with modern, evidence-based practices to optimize patient outcomes.